Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

April 9, 2019
One Min Read
How to make Coffee Ice CreamYou think money answereth all things? I’m sorry to say but you’re wrong. I would give you a hundred well-defended reasons why but I think you’d rather get to preparing your sweet treat (winks). Suffice to say, Ice Cream is a treat that sticks closer than a… friend? Rain or sunshine, happiness or sadness, lunch or dinner, celebration or otherwise, ice cream can be served as a meal or complement. This recipe is bound to have the coffee lovers with sweet tooth, jumping with joy. Feel free to tweak it to your preference and share the outcome please! Servings: 10

Prep time: 10 mins(freezing time not included)


–       2 tablespoon instant coffee

–       3 tablespoon honey

–       2 tablespoon sugar

–       1 tablespoon vanilla

–       1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon

–       ¼ teaspoon ground cloves

–       Pinch of salt

–       Vanilla wafers and chocolate syrup (for serving)

–       14. oz. can sweetened condensed milk

–       16 oz. whipping cream or heavy cream


  1. Combine the coffee, honey, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and salt in a medium sized bowl and mix well.
  2. Add the sweetened condensed milk and stir properly. Set aside.
  3. Whip the cream until peaks form. Fold in the sweetened condensed milk.
  4. Place in a container and freeze until ice-cream forms; approximately 5 -6 hours

Tip: Serve with vanilla wafers and a splash of chocolate syrup if so desired.

Enjoy your meal and stay super!



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