šŸŽŗ Fela Was Right

April 17, 2023
2 Mins Read

No matter how many soft drinks, packs of juice or ā€˜green bottlesā€™ you consume, you must always come back home. And in the world of drinks, water is home. Nothing satisfies like water ā€“ not only is it the perfect thirst quencher, but it is also important for your bodily functions. Drinking enough of it daily prevents dehydration andĀ also helps the cells and organs of the body function properly. Fela was right, water no get enemy. If anything we are the ones that can be enemies to water by denying it full access to our bodies.

Below are some health benefits of drinking lotsĀ of water.

1. Water helps create saliva
Water is a main component of saliva. Saliva also includes small amounts of electrolytes, mucus, and enzymes. Itā€™s essential for breaking down solid food and keeping your mouth healthy.

2. Regulates your body temperature
Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining your body temperature. Your body loses water through sweat during physical activity and in hot environments.

3. Protects tissues, spinal cord, and joints
Water consumption helps lubricate and cushion your joints, spinal cord, and tissues. This will help you enjoy physical activity and lessen the discomfort caused by conditions like arthritis.

4. It helps excrete waste
Our body uses water to excrete waste through sweat, urine, and bowel movements.

5. Water helps prevent constipation
Eating fibre isnā€™t the only way to prevent constipation. Itā€™s also important to maintain your water intake so your bowel movements contain enough water. If you donā€™t consume enough water, magnesium, and fibre, you may be more likely to experience constipation.

6. Aids in digestion
Contrary to what some believe, experts confirm drinking water before, during, and after a meal will help your body break down the food you eat more easily. This will help you digest food more effectively and get the most out of your meals.

7. Improves blood oxygen circulation
Water carries helpful nutrients and oxygen to your entire body. Reaching your daily water intake will improve your circulation and have a positive impact on your overall health.

Now that you know the benefits, visit our water store to select your preferred brand to help you stay liquified.

Image from Menā€™s Health

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