Oriental Fried Noodles

April 9, 2019
One Min Read

The meal of the day is something basic, yet it is an integral part of every pantry- Noodles! You don’t have to eat your noodles the same boring way each time.  Today, try throwing in different garnishing to make the noodle more appealing and tasty. Trust me; you will be forced to share with others around you once you are done preparing the meal. It is simply irresistible. There is no hard and fast rule to preparing noodles so I would not be including measurements to the ingredients- free style. I am excited to see what you come up with!



Orange pepper

Green Pepper

Spring onions


Yellow pepper


Dry pepper


Olive oil

1. Boil your noodles as you like it (I prefer mine cooked, but a little hard].  Dice the vegetables and sausage in the mean time.
2.  Add one table spoon of olive oil when the noodles are almost cooked. This prevents your noodles from sticking together and being mushy.
3. Pour the noodles into a sieve to drain water.
4. Put the diced vegetables and sausage (you may add or substitute for chicken) into the frying pan and pour the noodles’ seasoning over the pan.
5. Stir content of the pan for 3 minutes.
6. Empty the pan into the pot containing the noodles and Mix.
7. Transfer content to serving dish.

Tip: Add curry to the boiling noodles to amplify taste and for yellow colour. Pair with white wine for a savoury taste.

 Enjoy your meal and stay super!


Inspired by: Thefoodhack.wordpress.com

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