Apple Chicken Sandwich Recipe

April 4, 2019
One Min Read

How to make Apple Chicken Sandwich

You can use leftover chicken or prepare fresh chicken for this awesome Apple chicken sandwich breakfast. 


1 boneless skinless chicken breast
1/4 cup celery (diced) 
1/4 cup apple (peeled & diced)
green onion (diced) 
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp lemon juice 
Salt and pepper to taste 
White or whole wheat sandwich bread (sliced) 
2 tbsp butter (softened) 


Cook chicken over medium-low heat until no longer pink inside. Transfer to plate; refrigerate until cool enough to handle then dice.

In bowl, stir together celery, apple, green onion, mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt, pepper and chicken.

Spread each bread slice with butter; spread half of the slices with filling. Top with remaining bread, pressing lightly.

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