Balanced Diet – Corn with Bacon and Chili Powder

April 8, 2019
One Min Read

Corn is in season and we sometimes tend to overindulge. If like some of us you love the fresh natural taste of corn and can’t get enough of it, then you might want to keep it balanced and varied from your regular corn recipes. Here’s how, with this sweet Corn with Bacon and Chili Powder recipe.

Servings: 2 ears of corn

Prep time: 3mins

Cook time: 20mins


2 ears corn, husked

4 slices bacon

2 dashes chili powder


1)      Wash your husked corn

2)      Wrap each ear of corn with one slice of bacon (might not cover all round but it’s fine as long as it takes a reasonable part)

3)      Sprinkle with chili powder to taste

4)      Wrap in heavy aluminum foil and place over medium coals, or medium gas heat if on a gas grill

5)      Cook till done (cook time will depend on size and freshness of corn)

Tip: Best enjoyed with fresh corn ears. Enjoy your balanced side dish!

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