🏁 Finish Strong As Ramadan Ends

April 20, 2023
One Min Read

With the end of Ramadan imminent, most Muslims in Nigeria will be looking forward to crossing the finish line. The month of sacrifice will no doubt have taken its toll. The struggles that are characteristic of the initial few days of the fast will likely have disappeared and, now, people will mentally be looking forward to returning to their regular meal-time schedule. This is the time when people send each other Ramadan greetings to celebrate the end of the fasting period.

As we continue to re-evaluate our lives and focus on God, we should know that all our learning during our spiritual reflections this month should be applied in our lives everyday day of the year and not just during Ramadan.

How do you plan on celebrating the end of Ramadan; will you be travelling to meet family or hosting friends and well-wishers? Whatever you’re doing, we’ve got your food and drinks covered. Simply get on the app to place your orders and we’ll have them delivered to you; this will be the perfect way of saying Ramadan Kareem to your loved ones.

Image from The Atlantic

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