Sweet Potato Frittata Recipe

February 22, 2021
One Min Read
Sweet Potato Frittata recipe

Today is ‘Cook a Sweet Potato Day’, so how about we introduce you to a different way of preparing this vegetable. Sweet Potato Frittata is easy to prepare if you follow this simple recipe – you’re essentially frying chopped potatoes alongside eggs, ham and mushrooms. If you love potatoes, then you’re definitely going to enjoy this fiesta of ingredients. The fun thing about this recipe is that you can add your own twist to it by using whatever you’ve got lying around in your pantry or refrigerator.

You can have this dish for breakfast or as a snack. Check out the recipe below

All ingredients are available on www.supermart.ng


Method of Preparation

  1. Dice the potatoes and boil in water till soft.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add chopped green and yellow bell peppers plus salt to taste. Whisk and set aside.
  3. Pour the oil into a pan and heat up till hot. Add the Onion, potato, ham and mushrooms. Stir fry for about 3 minutes. Pour in the whisked egg mixture and turn down the heat from the burner to enable it to set.
  4. If you have a lid, you can cover the pan and leave it till it sets completely. Most times, you’d also need to place the pan in a grill to enable the top part to set completely.
  5. Once the potato frittata is set, slice and serve. This can be enjoyed as a meal or a snack. 

Image from Delish.com

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